First Name
Last Name
1. What’s your relationship status?
Open Relationship (Alternative)
2. Where are you in a love life at this moment (in the last 3 months)?
Active online dating
Active face to face dating only
Not active dating
Dating with someone but it’s not serious
Being in a relationship but something important is missing
3. Where was the last time you’ve been in a committed relationship?
4. I am a person who:
Take action to live life more fully, passionately and joyfully
I’m fulfilled and comfortable where I am and rather passive
I’m not really sure what I am looking for
5. When it comes to how I make a decision in love life, I:
I need all the data/facts in front of me. I need proof before I jump in!
I tend to follow my heart and intuition
The fear of making the WRONG decision stops me from making any decision at all!
6. When it comes to giving and receiving in a relationship, what is your experience?
I like to receive. I need to feel loved before I can give love.
I give too much and sometimes it makes me resent the other person or feel that the relationship is not balanced.
It’s hard for me to give or receive.
7. Partners I date often tell me that I am:
Too controlling / too needy.
Too serious and not empathetic.
Hard to follow / too complex.
8. They also tell me that I am:
Strong and confident.
Beautiful and sexy.
Crazy and funny.
9. I tend to attract people who:
Aren’t committed to create life together
Take too much from me and can even be a bit manipulative.
Are not emotionally available.
10. When it comes to trusting a partner:
I trust my partner, but I know when I’m right and someone is wrong.
I trust too much sometimes. I am very open and quite often feel I get taken advantage of.
I don’t trust anyone! I’ve been hurt too many times.
11. The one pattern that keeps repeating in my love life is…
I tend to not trust people.
I tend to give too much and get too little.
Nothing ever feels deep and whole. It stays on the surface.
12. When it comes to my personal and professional goals:
I set them and achieve them. My growth is important, and I don’t let myself down.
I have a lot of things I dream of, but I get knock off by self-doubt or struggle by luck of time or other challenges.
I’m not sure I have any goals right now! Even if I did, I wouldn’t follow through or achieve them.
13. Do you take lead in a relationship?
Yes, I love taking charge and leading.
Sometimes, when it’s really required.
No really, I prefer when my partner take lead.
14. How easy is it for you to stay in your personal power and lose yourself in a relationship?
I always stay in my power, no matter what.
I stay in my power but when I’m in a committed relationship, I become more adaptable.
When I fall in love, I can lose myself from time to time
I stay in my power when I’m single, buy when I’m in love I completely loose myself.
15. Which personality type resonates with you the most?
Direct, taking action, result-orientated, assertive
Outgoing, talkative, emotional, entusiastic
Calm, stable, patient, supportive
Cautious, details-orientated, organized, analytical,
16. When interacting with people are you?
bold and decisive
social and outgoing
peace-loving and kind
logical and intelligent
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