Lapis Evolution, created by Kinga Elizabeth Staszalek, is on a mission to empower people to awaken their inner power, light and abundant flow in life, love and business. Through the journey of connecting with heart desires, healing, inner growth and finding life purpose they become the best version of themselves and achieve their goals.
About me
Hi, my name is Kinga Elizabeth Staszalek and I am the founder of Lapis Evolution.
I am a love and relationships expert, certified coach, master in communication, energy healer, constellations practitioner, and a sacred healing women’s circle facilitator.
"Lapis Evolution comes from high vibration crystal Lapis Lazuli. It is a stone which harmonises the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. The crystal resonates with the vibrational energy of truth and enlightenment. It brings objectivity, clarity and encourages creative thoughts. It helps to confront truth and works through by expressing own opinions and harmonises conflicts. Lapis reveals inner truth, encourages self-awareness and allows self-expression without holding back or compromising." - Kinga Elizabeth Staszalek
What I offer
Love and Relationship:
- attracting a life partner and creating an amazing life together
- experiencing soulful connections, trust and intimacy
- finding unconditional love, joy and peace in life
- resolving core issues and bringing fulfilment in your love life
- healing a broken heart and manifesting a new quality of love
Health issues on an emotional, mental, and physical level: - eliminating negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, doubts
- overcoming stress, anxiety, depression, fears, past traumas
- headaches, upset stomach, poor digestion, back pain
- eating disorders, addictions, obsessive behaviours, sleeping issues, low energy
Business challenges:
- identifying values, vision and purpose
- clarifying focus, time management, effectivity and efficiency
- attracting clients, creating a work and life balance
Personal awareness is a choice that benefits all areas of our life. I help people to create a better life full of love, fulfilment and abundance.
Shamanic Healing at Kinga's Sacred Women's Circle
Upcoming Events
Get in touch
For general enquiries, please fill out the contact form below.